What are the rules regarding use of your hosting?
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To keep our servers stable we use a fair use policy.
This article gives some information about the fair use policy, but does not say specifically what the conditions are, always refer to our terms and conditions for that.
Excessive use of our servers can cause performance problems and other problems that may affect other customers. We do not want this to happen and therefore we use the fair use policy.
What does fair use policy mean?
Fair use means that you can use our services with normal use.
If you are wondering whether something falls within or outside the fair use policy, you can always contact us.
You can send an e-mail to support@oxxa.com to ask whether something falls within the fair use policy.
When we notice that services are not being used according to the fair use policy we will take action, for example a temporary or permanent block.
Some examples that fall outside the fair use policy:
- sending spam in any form
- sending large numbers of emails (e.g. newsletters)
- being against / over your limit (excessive data traffic usage)
Sending emails:
Our servers are intended for normal use, meaning that you can and may send a few emails per day.
For sending large numbers of emails (more than 200) it is advisable to use another email provider that specializes in sending large numbers of emails. For example, consider mailchimp.
Where can I find more information about fair use policy?
More information about the rules of fair use policy can be found in our terms and conditions.
Click here to go to the terms and conditions.