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How do I generate a CSR in DirectAdmin?

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If you request a certificate from an external party, a so-called "Certificate Signing request", or CSR, must be generated.
If you want to order a certificate from for a hosting hosted by us the process is different, we have written a separate article for this.
Generate CSRTogenerate a CSR follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the hosting for the domain name in question.
  2. Navigate under "Account Manager" to "SSL Certificates".
  3. On this screen you will see several options for certificates, here we click on "Create CSR".
  4. Enter the requested data here, paying attention to the domain name. Here the domain name will have to match the server it will be issued for.
    Select the desired Key Size and Certificate Type. Should these not be known, the default values are sufficient.
  5. Click on "Save".

In the next screen you will see the generated CSR, you can copy it and pass it to the external party.

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