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How do I get my domain name out of quarantine?

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In some cases it can happen that a domain name ends up in quarantine.
This can happen in several ways, namely with insufficient credit, when you deleted the domain name yourself or when you have autorenew set to no for the domain name in question.
We would have sent emails for this and indicated that the domain name will expire soon.
You can retrieve the domain name from quarantine (also called restore) yourself by logging into your environment. However, there are additional costs associated with quarantining.
You can check the costs in advance by clicking on My Account -> Pricing in the left menu.
Then find the extension (e.g. .nl or .com) and look under the category: Quarantine.

To get the domain name out of quarantine you can do the following:

Login to (if you haven't already done so).

On the home page you will see Domain Activity under the red block.


Under Domain Activity there are several categories including: Expired, Gone, Renewed and Quarantine.
Click on Quarantine (see the image below).

If you can retrieve a domain name from quarantine, the domain name should be found here. (If it is not, please contact us just to be sure, to see if we might still be able to restore the domain).

When you actually want to retrieve the domain name from quarantine, you can click on the cart icon to add the restore to your cart.

Now that the restore has been added to the cart, you can see how much credit is required to perform this.
If there is not enough credit, you first need to add credit by clicking on Top Up Credit in the upper right corner.
Then you can click on the shopping cart and complete the order.

After you complete the order, the order will be immediately transferred to the registry, and the status will be changed from Quarantine to Active almost immediately.
However, it may take several minutes (10-15 minutes) before the site and dns are fully operational again.

If you have any questions following this article, please feel free to contact us at or by calling 088-7507070

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