Trustee service for domain names
At, you can choose from over 1,200 extensions to register a domain name. Some of these domain name extensions have geographical requirements. These include the requirement to be resident in the country of the ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) in question. This can be a limiting factor when registering a .DE domain name, for example. This limiting factor is also called Local Presence.
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Trustee service from
We offer all our customers who want to register domains where local presence is required the possibility to use our Trustee service. When registering a domain name you then use a local contact which in most cases is a notary or lawyer's office. This way you can still register these popular extensions.
Privacy Protection
It provides privacy protection by replacing domain holder information with trustee data.
Prevents spam
By hiding domain owner contact information, you reduce chances of spam.
Protection against identity theft
Using a trustee service reduces the risk of identity theft.
International business expansion
If you operate internationally, a trustee service can help meet local requirements.
Why choose for your domain name registrations?
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Want to know more about our Trustee service?
Do you have a question about's Trustee service? Then contact one of our customer service representatives at +31 (0)88 - 750 70 70.